#AnEasterBloom, #MyActingCoachNightmare, and More – TV Reviews

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An Easter Bloom – Review

An Easter Bloom – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Amanda looks at the farm, sees zero flowers, and sighs. She has no idea how the farm will survive without a successful harvest. Amanda assumed the flowers would thrive after the frost but hasn’t had luck. Amanda works in a coffee shop, and her mother, Grace, bakes to make side money. But it won’t be enough. Amanda’s father died a year ago, and Amanda hasn’t returned to his church or grown a harvest like him.

Amanda prepares a coffee for Derrick, and he leaves a generous tip. She offers to return it, but he refuses. Amanda’s co-worker believes he was flirting. Derrick is the new pastor, but he hides himself from his parishioners. They don’t know he loves extreme sports, and he worries they will judge him. Also, he had a terrible accident that nearly killed his friend. Derrick prays for guidance, courage, and forgiveness. His mother, Lori, believes God will show Derrick the way.

Amanda goes home and prays over the harvest when she hears a crash. Amanda looks up and sees Lori stumbling out of her car. She helps Lori and brings Lori inside for a beverage. Lori identifies the flowers in Amanda’s home and stuns Amanda. Lori admits she is a retired florist but never achieved her ultimate goal. Lori wanted 1st place at the annual Easter Flower Arranging Competition. Lori encourages Amanda to compete, but Amanda states she is a farmer, not a florist. However, the $20,000 prize changes Amanda’s mind. Lori offers to coach Amanda and help Amanda beat the 10-year champ, Constance. Amanda enters the competition and sets herself on a path of love, friendship, and forgiveness.

This movie brings faith to the forefront and applies it to Amanda’s harvest. While planting their crops, Amanda’s parents strengthened and explained her faith and how to use prayer. These flashback scenes are great for younger viewers. However, the storyline stirs zero concern for the main characters. You know everything will work for them. Also, the script tries to create drama when Amanda overhears Derrick’s conversation. However, it is not needed, and it’s resolved poorly. The film’s shining light is Derrick’s sermon. He says what all pastors should preach to their congregations, and the audience will welcome it.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

Will you accept this rose – Derrick

I will gladly accept this rose – Amanda

Don’t let your own fears get in the way – Grace

Practice, practice, practice – Lori

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My Acting Coach Nightmare – Review

My Acting Coach Nightmare – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Sienna runs home with a brochure and gives it to her mother, Lisa. Sienna’s friend, Amy, told Sienna about an acting class at the local community center. The teacher, Max, has movie credits and worked in Hollywood. Sienna begs to take the course, but Lisa is unsure. She wants Sienna to enjoy her teens. Lisa worries that Sienna uses acting to cope with her father’s death. Lisa’s new husband, Mark, encourages Lisa to let Sienna take the course. Lisa obliges.

During the first class, Max performs a mirroring exercise with Haley. Amy and Sienna can see that Haley is Max’s favorite. They have a great time in class, and Sienna boasts to Lisa about the experience. After a few days, Haley isn’t in class. Max explains Haley’s absence and gives Sienna Haley’s lead role in Romeo and Juliet (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Sienna and Amy see Max arguing with Haley after class. Sienna decides to walk away, but Amy watches.

Max gives Sienna personalized attention, much to Amy’s chagrin. He requests private sessions and sexy photoshoots. Lisa’s concerns grow, and she asks Mark to speak to Max. Max explains the methods but questions Mark’s motives. Max states that Mark takes pictures of young women after class. Mark denies these accusations, but Sienna finds photos in Mark’s truck. Lisa leaves Mark but keeps an eye on Max. She thinks he’s dangerous, and she is right. Can Lisa save Sienna from a predator?

This movie uses today’s headlines and conspiracies to engage the viewer. These stories would seem impossible, but young adults in Hollywood would say otherwise. Sienna acts like a 13-year-old but is 18. She doesn’t listen to Lisa’s or Amy’s warnings. Both can see a darkness in Max, but Sienna’s singular focus of superstardom blinds her. Max slowly grooms her with attention and promises. Soon, he warps her mind and makes Sienna depend on him for validation. While this film may irritate adult viewers, a watcher can use it as a teaching tool for their tween, teen, or young adult.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

Or channeling it into a performance – Mark

It will be worth it – Sienna

No, that’s an everyone problem – Amy

It’s absolutely a big deal – Lisa

Let me assure you that individualized rehearsal is very common in the study of acting – Max

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Shifting Gears – Review

Shifting Gears – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Jess finishes restoring a vintage car and notices she is running late for her class. She teaches beginner auto repair courses to empower women at her shop, Barro’s Auto. However, the office manager, Teri, sees Jess has issues with public speaking. After class, Jess’s father, Ray, brings Jess a new car to restore. Jess admires the car while Ray walks away to hide his frustration and answers a phone call.

Luke arrives at a strategy meeting late and apologizes to his father, Steven. Steven tells Luke he must attend the meeting because Luke is the V.P. of Strategy. Luke spots the slide on the display and asks for clarification. Steven says their company, Tune Up Whiz, plans to acquire Barro’s Auto. Luke thinks it’s a poor decision because of their history, but Steven assures Luke the acquisition will secure their future.

Luke sits at a bar with his friend, Pete, and confesses that he hates working in a boardroom. He misses working in the garage with Steven and his grandfather. Luke leaves Pete at the bar for a date but forgets his keys. He returns to look for them, and Jess has them in her hand. Luke asks Jess about her life, but she gives him a small-talk reprieve. He is interested in her, but Jess doesn’t want to talk. She gives Luke his keys, and Luke exits. Afterward, Teri can sense the tension between Jess and Luke. Jess explains Luke is the infamous college boyfriend. Luke’s grandfather wanted his son, Steven, and Jess’s dad, Ray, to run Tune Up Whiz together. However, Steven changed the contract and cut Ray out of the deal. Jess assumed Luke would take her side. When he didn’t, she ended the relationship. Teri thinks Jess should forgive Luke, but she can’t.

Jess is working on a car when Wayne Larouche enters her shop. She recognizes him from his television show. Wayne created a new auto competition program and wants Jess to be a part of it. He’s seen her work and thinks she would be a perfect fit. Also, the competition only has men. Wayne believes she could be an inspiration and attract more female viewers. Jess remembers her stage fright and says no. After Wayne informs her about the $50,000 prize, Jess offers to consider it.

Jess sits with a distressed Ray. He tells Jess the landlord wants them to prepay for a year or lose the family business. He’s considering a loan but doesn’t know if he can get it. So, Jess signs up for the competition. On the first day, Jess sees Luke. He entered the competition after another contestant dropped out. Luke doesn’t tell Jess that Steven wants to acquire Barro’s Auto. He wants to have a friendly competition. For Jess, this show is about saving her family’s heart, but she has to get past her stage fright. Can Jess win without learning Luke’s secret?

This movie has saucy elements in a Hallmark package. You have competing exes in a battle for pride and money. Then, viewers get betrayal plots within Jess and Luke’s history. The first one is with Steven cutting Ray out of the deal. Next is Luke not taking Jess’s side about it. Of course, Luke hides a secret from Jess. His family wants their shop, and Steven has a few tricks to help the process. Luke struggles internally between the man he wants to be and who he is. This Shakespeare-like romantic comedy has enough spice to keep viewers watching and entertained with a Hallmark wholesome ending.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

Don’t let the suit fool you. I only work because I have to – Luke

But this one could complete me – Jess

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Your work speaks for itself – Ray

You belong here, beside me – Steven

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