#TheKillerInside, #DevilOnCampus, and More – TV Reviews

Table of Reviews

The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story – Review

The Killer Inside: The Ruth Finley Story – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Ruth Finley prepares dinner for her husband, Ed, and mother, Fay, while watching the latest news about the BTK Killer. Ed turns off the TV. He’s worried that Ruth is too engrossed with the case and knows more than the police. Fay worries that Wichita is far more dangerous than their small farm town. Ruth laughs and agrees with Ed but believes she has a right to be informed. After Fay leaves, Ed discusses taking a trip to Europe instead of their typical vacation. Ruth is unsure.

Ruth tells her friend, co-worker Susan, about Ed’s idea. Susan’s shocked that Ruth didn’t say yes but says it aligns with Ruth’s predictable ways. Ruth scoffs at the notion until Susan predicts everything Ruth and Ed will do on the weekend. Later, Ruth accepts the European vacation while she and Ed garden. Ed beams with joy until he has a heart attack and falls in the yard. They rush Ed to the hospital, and doctors care for him. Ruth wants to stay by his side, but Ed convinces her to leave and rest. Ruth relents, returns home, bathes, and lays in bed. Susan calls and asks Ruth to stay the night with her because the killer is on the loose. Ruth says no, and Susan reminds Ruth to lock her door. Later, an unknown person calls Ruth. The caller has intimate knowledge about her previous attack. Ruth hangs up and doesn’t sleep.

Ed returns home after days in the hospital. He feels good but sees something is bothering Ruth because she is relentlessly baking. Ruth brushes off his worries and focuses on her job. Then, Ed gets a call from Susan. Ruth left work for her lunch break and never returned. Ed feverously jumps into his car and searches for Ruth. Later, they find Ruth with cuts, bruises, and torn clothes. Two men kidnapped her, attacked her, and pulled her into the woods. She escaped. However, Ruth’s torment doesn’t stop there. The attacker continues to call and write threatening letters. The police believe it’s BTK. Will Ruth survive, or will the killer succeed?

The movie starts with the brutal slaying of a Kansas woman in 1977 with her son in the home. It helps viewers understand the police’s urgency to protect Ruth and find the killer. Ruth receives several threats via phone and mail. The stalker knows her past, current clothing, and present-day activities. No place is safe for Ruth. However, viewers will get irritated with Ruth because she doesn’t take her safety seriously. She goes out at all hours of the day and refuses to have someone accompany her. As the story follows Ruth’s harassment, the plot slows. It will be easy for viewers to look away and become preoccupied. But one late-night moment will pull you back into this story and make you scream at the TV. You will get a stunning twist if you don’t read about Ruth first. Otherwise, you will see it all unfold. No matter how you feel, Ed is the hero of the story. This movie isn’t fantastic, but it’s intriguing.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

It’s good to have information, especially now – Ruth

I couldn’t do this to my wife – Ed

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Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story – Review

Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Talia Ray tells her friends, Claudia, Isabella, Santos, and Daniel, that her father, Larry Ray, is out of jail and outside their door. Larry enters with a bag of cash, a limo, and a story. He single-handedly took down Bernard Kerik and Frank DiTommaso. However, Larry served time in jail for interfering with child custody and other charges. He gives the college students money for food and offers to cook. After a hearty meal, Larry advices the young adults on their mental health, handshakes, and self-defense. He stays the night in their dorm room. However, Claudia’s concerns grow when Larry doesn’t leave and spends time in Isabella’s bedroom. Claudia’s parents, Tom and Christian, meet with Sarah Lawrence College officials about Claudia’s living arrangements. However, the official reminds Tom and Christian that the students are over 18 and parents can visit without limiting the duration. Unsatisfied, Tom and Christian leave the campus and offer to let Claudia stay home this semester. Claudia doesn’t want to go because she started to find friends and her place on campus. They smile, hug, and leave Claudia to stay in the dorm. It’s a mistake they will all regret. Larry Ray is evil personified.Ā 

This movie will horrify and disgust you. But it should be a discussion topic because it is a true story. Larry Ray slowly crept into these students’ lives and manipulated them. He was able to predict Tom and Christian’s reaction to allegations of abuse and programmed Claudia to act according to his control. He gave them hope, money, and attention. However, Larry took that away when they questioned him. He blamed them for his mistakes, issues, or illnesses and never took accountability. Larry relished in his control while gaining millions from them. The school failed these students because they had the power to stop it. It’s easy for viewers to blame the students because the timeline doesn’t stand out. So keep an eye on the left-bottom corner of the screen. Larry didn’t do this over days; it was years. This film should have had two parts. The first should explain Larry’s manipulation of Talia and the political system. Next should have been the Sarah Lawrence cult, and the other students’ stories should have attention. Yes, Claudia and her parents were the driving force behind Larry’s arrest, but he had a devastating impact on all their lives. Viewers should watch this movie with their older teens and first-year college students.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

Claudia, are you questioning my dad – Talia

Sorry, I was just asking – Claudia

Tal’s friends are my friends – Larry

I’m the one who stinks – Santos

I am so grateful he is getting help from Larry now – Felicia

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Discovering Love – Review

Discovering Love – UPtv – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Archeology professor Skyler lost another student, Mary, to a better program with more opportunities. Skyler’s class is small, but she teaches it with zeal. After class, the head of the archeology department, Iris, enters with glum news. The school wants to shut down the archeology department because they don’t have enough students. They can stay if they can get their enrollment up before the next semester. If not, then Iris tells Skyler to brush off her resume. Skyler assumes she has three months, but Iris corrects Skyler and says they have one.Ā 

Eric unearths a box but can’t identify the origin. His benefactor, Charles, isn’t happy because he wants his name in a museum. Eric reminds Charles that Eric doesn’t have a degree in archeology. However, he likes to find treasure. Charles threatens to pull Eric’s funding but gets an idea. He contacts Dimitris and requests Dimitris find an archeologist to help Eric. Dimitris calls Iris.

Iris alerts Skyler that someone found a link to the Helen of Troy crown once owned by Princes Dafni. Iris wants to research the item in Greece, but the University won’t fund it. But it will attract new students, and they need pupils to keep the program. They are in a catch-22. Iris and Skyler decide to go to Greece with their money and find the crown in the next month. Finding the crown could rewrite history and prove legends true.Ā 

Skyler packs for the trip, and her friend, Janelle, gives Skyler some items. Janelle wants Skyler to use this research opportunity to meet someone. Then, Janelle shows Skyler a picture of Eric digging in Greece. Skyler cringes because Eric is a treasure hunter for the rich. Hunters like Eric put historical items on shelves instead of museums. She considers Eric a problem within the business.

Iris and Skyler check into their hotel before meeting Dimitris. Unfortunately, Iris twisted her ankle in the hotel lobby. Iris asks Skyler to meet Dimitris without her. Skyler goes to the meeting but rolls her eyes when she sees Eric enter Dimitris’s office. Skyler and Eric protest, but Dimitris won’t hear it. Charles paid for both of them to find the crown. The archeologist and treasure hunter must work together to save the archeology program. Will they uncover more?

This movie is Indiana Jones with a love story. Unlike other romcoms, this movie offers suspense because someone tracks our adventurers on the small island. They look over their shoulders while hunting the lost treasure. Of course, Skyler is by the book, while Eric follows his gut. They collaborate by relying on Eric’s instincts and Skyler’s research. And the subplot between Iris and her love interest fills time but isn’t necessary. And Janelle perfectly rounds out the cast with her comic relief and social media knowledge. This movie isn’t a favorite of the 2024 June Grooms season, but it’s fun to watch.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

A career in ruins isn’t necessarily a bad thing – Skyler

Girl, that is a bit dramatic – Janelle

Why can’t you just trust me – Eric

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Two Scoops of Italy – Review

Two Scoops of Italy – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Chef Danielle’s restaurant has been closed for a month while she revamps her menu. Her investor, Owen, meets with Danielle to try the new menu, but it is underwhelming. He knows what Danielle is capable of doing. However, she continues to follow trends instead of creating them. Owen warns Danielle that his father wants him to take his investments seriously and pick more stable options. He will give Danielle one month to update her menu. If she doesn’t wow him, he will pull his funding. Danielle goes home to her sister, Sarah, who consoles Danielle with pizza. Sarah reminds Danielle about their cottage in Italy. Danielle doesn’t believe she should take a vacation, but Sarah disagrees. Sarah hopes a change in culinary scenery will spark Danielle’s creative engine.

Giancarlo gives Nico a sample of his latest gelato flavor. The young boy takes a bite, returns it, and asks for the strawberry. Giancarlo pleads with his father, Aldo, to let Giancarlo keep his late mother’s traditions alive by creating new flavors. But Aldo says no. Then, Danielle enters their shop, asking for directions and coffee. Giancarlo offers her a sample of his new flavor, and Danielle gives Giancarlo an honest and harsh critique. Then, Aldo hands Danielle pistachio gelato, and Danelle raves (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Giancarlo abruptly ends their conversation and points Danielle in the right direction.Ā 

After playing games with the townspeople, Aldo approves of Giancarlo trying new flavors (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). But there is a catch. If Nico dislikes them, Aldo won’t add them to the menu. Danielle walks in and asks for directions to several locations. Giancarlo offers to show her around Italy, but she has to help him. Giancarlo knows how to make gelato but can’t figure out the correct balance of flavors. He believes Danielle has the best background to help. Danielle agrees to help Giancarlo in exchange for his guidance around Italy. Danielle hopes working with Giancarlo will spark her to create a new menu, but will she find more?

As viewers watch the movie, it will be easy to look away. However, this lapse in attention will leave you confused. Sporadically, Danielle reads a book, and the script acts out the scenes with Danielle and Mario. So watch the background. If it’s hazy, you are seeing the book. Otherwise, you are in the real world. The games are fun, the scenery is beautiful, and the food sounds exquisite, but this film lacks passion. The writers try to create tension with Giancarlo’s name, but it’s not necessary to the story. Aldo could convey the same message by saying it. Viewers always know the ending for Hallmark plots, so the journey has to grab you. This movie doesn’t.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

Bring the fireworks – Owen

I say go – Sarah

Currently, a very lost one – Danielle

My father always says never let success go to your head, and never let failure go to your heart – Giancarlo

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