#TheBikeriders – Movie Review

The Bikeriders – Budget of $40 million – 1 hour and 56 minutes

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Danny Lyon sat with Kathy in 1965 and interviewed her for his photobook about the Vandals outlaw biker gang. Kathy talks about love, the wives and girlfriends, and the changes in the group. Then, Danny asks Kathy about the day she met Benny. Kathy takes a long pull from her cigarette and recalls that night. Her friend didn’t have enough money for her bar tab, so she asked Kathy to bring some. Kathy walked inside, wearing white jeans and a purple cardigan, instantly feeling out of place. She gave her friend the money and wanted to leave, but her friend asked Kathy to stay. After a few Vandals made passes at Kathy, she got up to leave and saw Benny. He came over to introduce himself. Benny is taciturn, so Kathy flees for the door. Kathy waits outside, and a few Vandals follow her. She sees Benny get on his bike and jumps on the back. Kathy doesn’t return home to her boyfriend until 4 in the morning. Kathy’s boyfriend asks about her whereabouts, and she swears she will never speak to those guys again. Kathy’s boyfriend watches Benny drive away, but Benny turns around to sit outside their house all night. Benny is still their when Kathy’s boyfriend returns from work. Her boyfriend packs up and moves out. Benny walks to her front door and asks Kathy to go to a club with him. Five weeks later, Benny and Kathy got married. 

Then, Danny asks Kathy about Benny’s club, the Vandals. Kathy sighs and explains the gang started as a riding club. After watching The Wild One, the leader, Johnny, wants to change it into a motorcycle club (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Half of the riding club stayed, and the other went with Johnny, including Benny. Cal was Johnny’s 2nd in command, but Johnny noticed something special in Benny. Johnny has a regular job, a wife, and kids. Benny had Kathy and didn’t care about anything. Kathy believes Johnny is jealous of Benny’s carefree attitude towards life. Benny fights without question and breaks the law without a thought. Johnny admires Benny. When Benny gets injured after a fight, Johnny asks Benny to a club picnic, risking Benny’s health. Kathy storms into the club and demands that Johnny tell Benny not to come. However, Johnny refuses. Johnny and Kathy fight for Benny. Who will Benny choose?

Inspired by The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon, this movie presents itself as Goodfellas with motorcycles (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). But it’s not. The film doesn’t delve into the underbelly of the club’s illegal activities because those didn’t start until after the old guard left. Instead, the plot is about two people fighting over someone. Kathy wants Benny to be safe, but Johnny desires Benny’s freedom within the club. Johnny relies on and goes to Benny in times of need. They developed a tense and brotherly bond. If one is threatened or hurt, the other will retaliate without hesitation and with blood. This script proves that good intentions can turn dark depending on who is at the helm. The club grows beyond Johnny’s expectations, and he loses control. But Kathy can see the power profoundly affects Johnny and worries it will impact Benny. Also, the backing track follows Kathy’s emotions instead of the hard-nosed club. This movie isn’t the crime thriller you expect but is a power struggle between Kathy and Johnny.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

Fists or knives? – Johnny

We’re happy – Kathy

I want to challenge you – The Kid

Don’t let them take my foot – Benny

I study photography in college – Danny

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