#CruiseShipMurder, #CradleOfDeception, and More – TV Reviews

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Cruise Ship Murder – Review

Cruise Ship Murder – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Olivia drives her Aunt Theresa and Theresa’s husband, Ian, to the docks for Theresa and Ian’s cruise. Olivia can’t believe they talked Ian into getting on a cruise, so Olivia hopes they have a good time. Theresa pulls Olivia aside and informs Olivia that this isn’t a pleasure cruise. Theresa and Ian have other matters to work out. Before Theresa elaborates, they have to board. Olivia waves goodbye to them.

Days later, Olivia gets a call from Ian. Theresa fell overboard during a storm, and the ship’s officers can’t find her. Ian was asleep when Theresa went missing but found her purse on the deck. Officers and other officials don’t have high hopes for finding Theresa alive. Soon, Olivia’s fears come true. The police found Theresa’s remains. Olivia breaks down in tears. When Ian arrives home, Olivia meets with Ian to check on him. He is understandably upset. She comforts him and gets in her car. Then, Shelly, a reporter, knocks on Olivia’s window. Shelly asks to interview Olivia about Theresa’s death under suspicious circumstances and the difficulty of investigating cruise ship death. Disgusted, Olivia rolls up her window and drives away.

Olivia stands at Theresa’s gravesite and mourns as Ellen approaches her. Ellen was Theresa’s lawyer and now wants to talk to Olivia. Olivia goes to Ellen’s office and learns Theresa tried to change her will before she died. She was going to make Olivia the sole beneficiary. This fact raises concerns for Olivia, but Ellen doesn’t know how much Ian knew. Olivia plans to ask Ian later. 

After talking to Ian, Olivia feels disturbed by his answers and demeanor. She decides to put her skills to work and investigate Theresa’s death. Soon, someone sends Olivia death threats, stalks her, and attacks her. Can Olivia uncover what happened on the cruise before she loses her life?

This movie takes time to ramp up, but the body count rises exponentially. Unlike this review, viewers see everything happening on the boat before Theresa falls overboard. There was a drugging, an affair, and a violent storm. It was the perfect background for a devious death. Although Olivia is a reporter, she feels like a rookie. She is uncovering new ways to investigate people’s backgrounds and makes fateful mistakes. The audience should give the plot a chance to play out. The movie has enough twists and turns to spark your interest. It’s not a call-to-arms about cruise ship laws or deaths, but a fun mystery (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

Have the best time – Olivia

I need to find my wife – Ian

I made you a drink – Theresa

Surprise – Colin

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Cradle of Deception – Review

Cradle of Deception – LMN – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Widow Erin visits her IVF clinic, and Dr. Jackson, a personal friend, puts her mind at ease. She and her deceased husband, Matthew, always wanted a family, but Erin worries she won’t be able to do it alone. Jackson assures Erin that she will be a good mother and her baby boy is healthy. A few days later, Erin gives birth to Ben and breathes a sigh of relief. 

Now, Ben is four months old and can’t stop crying. Erin grabs a thermometer, and Ben has a 102° temperature. Erin rushes him to the hospital. They run several tests and discover Ben has SCID, a genetic disorder. Erin blames herself because she and Matthew didn’t run extensive genetic tests on themselves. The pediatrician, Dr. Alice, says Ben needs a donor, and family will be the best match. Matthew was adopted. So, Erin doesn’t know anything about his biological family. She and her mother, Ruth, are Ben’s only living relatives. 

Erin gets the idea to have a local paper run Ben’s story. They could raise awareness and find a donor. A reporter, Charlie, calls Erin and asks her to stop by for an interview. Later, Charlie tells Erin that her story sounds familiar to another family who used IVF at her clinic. He is happy to run the story for Erin. Days later, Erin reads Charlie’s article, an exposé about Jackson and the clinic, and can’t believe her eyes. Then, she gets a letter from the clinic threatening to sue her for defamation. She can’t afford a legal battle, so she confronts Jackson at his office. Jackson offers a free DNA test to determine Ben’s lineage (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Erin hopes this will settle her concerns, but it will open Pandora’s box.

This film gives My Child Has My Doctor’s Face a body count using a similar plot. Dr. Jackson differs because he doesn’t push Erin away when she questions him about the clinic and its procedures. Instead, he befriends and hires her. Jackson follows the advice of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. He offers to test Ben’s DNA and find a suitable donor. Jackson does this while having Erin sign an NDA and then sending legal warnings. He is a cunning villain who keeps you watching with a dutiful wife, Diana, by his side. Everything else is predictable.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

I guess the hardest part is over – Erin

It’s unfortunate. Can we talk about this another time – Jackson

You have a colorful way with words – Charlie

I get it. But my mind is elsewhere – Diana

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The Ice Rink Murders – Review

The Ice Rink Murders – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Megan got a scholarship to ice skate from Coach Diane. Megan worries about leaving her sick mother behind, but her mother encourages Megan to achieve her dreams. Megan meets Carly. Carly is a top-tier skater and a social media guru with sponsors. Her last partner, Brian, left her to skate with another competitor overseas. Now, Carly skates with her hockey player brother, Trevor. Carly and Megan discuss working together, the coach, and social media. Fellow skater, Lyndsey walks past Megan with a warning to stay out of her way. Lyndsey got injured, and now Megan is there to fill in until Lyndsey is ready to compete. Carly introduces Megan to their equipment manager, Blaze. Blaze is Carly’s fan, but he genuinely cares for all the athletes. Megan prepares to become a champion, but someone wants her out of the way. And they will resort to murder to get the job done.

Don’t let the title fool you because the body count is low. This movie is a string of accidents coupled with uncomfortable situations. The viewer doesn’t need to pay attention to understand what’s happening, and the killer is evident to experienced Lifetimers. The film picks up when the culprit delivers their monologue, and a friend exposes it live. If you skip this story, you won’t miss much.

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

It was amicable – Carly

And I know you better watch your back – Lyndsey

And I would appreciate it if you respected my athletes’ boundaries – Coach Diane

Can you move – Max

This is real – Megan

Find, shop for, and watch Lifetime movies on Amazon TV (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer)
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Everything Puppies – Review

Everything Puppies – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Scarlett cracked the code for the perfect healthy puppy treat. She runs to her friend’s store for marketing assistance. Her friend, business partner Gina, owns and operates Chew-That boutique. Scarlett needs Gina to create a logo and campaign so Scarlett can market her treats to local pet stores. Gina offers to do it if her puppies like it. 

Gina created a campaign after her puppies demolished the treats. She named the treats Puppy Palate. Scarlett and Gina go to pet stores around town, but none have space for a new product with zero sales history. Also, they all carry Pup Chuck treats. Then, they remembered another store that opened last year called Paws and Wellness Emporium. Now, that store plans to expand. They leave to meet with the general manager, Alex.

Scarlett stares at the handsome Alex and bumps into a food dispenser. Its contents spill on the floor. Scarlett apologizes and offers compensation, but Alex doesn’t mind. Before Alex says no, Scarlett suggests Alex try the Puppie Palate treat on his dog. He does and orders 100 boxes. Scarlett rashly agrees to make them by tomorrow. 

Scarlett makes the order in time, and it sells out quickly. Alex asks her for a date, and she assumes it’s business only. But Gina can see the attraction. First, Alex tells Scarlett he will ask the regional manager, Michelle, to hear Scarlett’s pitch. Also, he wants to buy more products for the store. As they talk, Scarlett sees Alex is attentive and charming. She thinks they have a future outside of work. 

Alex sits with Michelle, his ex-girlfriend, and discusses Puppy Palate. She hopes he is there to rekindle their relationship, but he is 100% professional. He pitches the idea, but Michelle doesn’t think that the new product can repeat its success. However, she will consider it.

At Pup Chuck, the director of sales Paul wants a way to fatten the margin. He wants to remove any unnecessary ingredients, even healthy ones, as long as it doesn’t impact the flavor. Paul learns his sales are down at the Paws and Wellness Emporium and meets with Michelle. When he discovers Michelle is allowing a branch to carry a second brand, he threatens to pull his products from their shelves. Michelle calls Alex and tells him to end Scarlett’s deal. Crestfallen, Michelle ends her relationship with Alex. Alex wants to do right by her because she has a great product and cares about puppies. Can Alex save his business and personal relationship with Scarlett without losing his store?

This dog lovers movie is cute and has an adorable ending with a 4-legged judge. The plot, as the title, depends on your love of puppies to keep viewers invested. Otherwise, it’s the romantic comedy we all know. It’s a predictable journey to a conclusion with a few jokes. Scarlett and Alex’s moment of triumph feels like a Leverage plot and makes the movie fun (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Otherwise, save this movie for a rainy day with your pup.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

Geniuses are often misunderstood – Scarlett

That did not just happen – Gina

I can wait – Alex

Do you even know what’s in it – Michelle

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