#EzraMovie – Movie Review

Ezra – Budget Unknown – 1 hour and 40 minutes

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Comedian Max and realtor Jenna get a call from their son’s teacher. Their son, Ezra, started a school riot after binge-watching Breaking Bad episodes with his dad (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). The principal and Ezra’s teacher believe Ezra is a dangerous influence. They think exes Max and Jenna should put Ezra in a school for students with special needs. Max thinks they don’t want to do their jobs because Ezra has autism. Jenna promises to think it over.

Max takes Ezra to a show and brings Ezra to Jenna’s home late. Max puts Ezra to bed. Jenna begs Max to reconsider, but he won’t budge. Jenna’s boyfriend, Bruce, jokes about killing Max after Max leaves. Ezra overhears Bruce and leaves Jenna’s home in his pajamas. He wants to run to his grandfather’s home to warn Max. Max dashes into the street to avoid an aggressive dog and gets bumped by a cab.

Ezra wakes up in the hospital, and the staff wants to ask him questions. After several psychiatric evaluations, the doctors report the incident and make Ezra a ward of the state to monitor him. They demand Max and Jenna put Ezra into a special needs school and give Ezra antipsychotics. When Max sees boxes of drugs behind the doctor, Max accuses the doctor of pushing unnecessary medication for a free trip. The doctor makes a rude remark, and Max attacks him.

Attorney Bruce meets Max in jail. The doctor will drop the charges if Max complies with his treatment and Max stays away from Ezra for three months. Max begrudgingly obliges. Later, Max lurks around Ezra’s new school and sees Ezra is unhappy. He sneaks into Ezra’s bedroom that night, takes Ezra down the fire escape, and leaves a note for Jenna. Max walks Ezra to Max’s father’s home. Max’s father, Stan, begs Max to reconsider. Instead, Max takes Stan’s car and drives to his friend’s home.

While spending time with his friend, Nick, Max gets earth-shattering news. First, Jimmy Kimmel wants to give Max a spot on his show, but he has to be in LA by next Friday. Nick offers to watch Ezra at the house, but Max wants to share this moment with Ezra. Second, after four days without her son, Jenna called the police. They decided to issue an Amber Alert for Ezra. Now, Max is on the run. However, Jenna realizes the police might go too far. She convinces Stan to ride with her. They hope to find Max and Ezra before the police do. Max puts his son, career, and freedom on the line with one road trip. Will this family make it?

This touching movie shows both parents going to war for their son. While Max battles the system after feeling like a failure, Jenna battles Max and his demons. Max wants this impatient world to give Ezra time to grow. Max knows the new school may help but worries he didn’t fight hard enough against the doctors. He blames himself and never wants Ezra to feel abandoned like he did. Jenna feels like the villain, but viewers must remember that her son has been missing for over four days. She does everything to contact Max, but he won’t answer. With Ezra’s challenges, Jenna worries about Ezra being on a trip without the comforts of home. She pleads with officers to not initiate the alert, but they do it anyway. They are both loving parents trying to do what they believe is best for Ezra. The movie comes to a truthful resolution with plenty of laughs and breakthroughs along the road trip. The script will leave a hopeful mark on your spirit.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

He’s not dangerous. He’s a challenge – Max

He cried, didn’t he – Stan

You can go now – Ezra

I didn’t steal your saucepan – Nick

You’ve never said the word – Jenna

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