#AfterTheWedding and #OvercomerMovie – Movie Reviews

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After the Wedding – Review

After the Wedding – Budget Unknown – 1 hour and 50 minutes

After the Wedding

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Isabel, working in an orphanage in India, is confused when supplies are short.  She wants to understand what happened to the $2 million they were granted.  The director tells Isabel the benefactor wants to meet face to face in New York before giving out the money.  Isabel refuses because a young boy at the orphanage is dependent on her.  She asks for her partner to go in her place.  The benefactor says no.  The benefactor wants to see Isabel.  Isabel promises the children she will be back in a week and promises the director she will be back with a bag of cash.  Once in New York, the benefactor provides Isabel with a guide, an apartment, a phone, a driver on call, and paid meals.   Isabel meets with the benefactor, Theresa, the next day.  Theresa created and owes the Horizon Media company.   It is the biggest media platform in the country.  She has a daughter Grace, who is getting married tomorrow, and twin boys. And Theresa is married to Oscar, a successful artist.  While going over the logistics of the orphanage’s needs, Theresa asks for more time to go over the numbers.  Until then, she invites Isabel to Grace’s wedding.  At the wedding, Isabel arrives late and sits in the back.  The moment Isabel sees Oscar, the pain of recognition spreads over her entire body.  During Grace’s speech at the reception, Isabel face displays a quiet and focus fury.  After the wedding, everyone’s lives will explode when a choreographed reveal brings the past to light.

A remake of 2006’s After the Wedding, will have you questioning what the secret is for the first 30 minutes (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  With Isabel working with children traumatized by slavery and prostitution, your mind races over the potential of things Oscar could have done wrong.  During your tedious speculation, Isabel will ask one question that will put your mind at ease.  However, you heart has not finished the journey.  When you slowly unravel everyone’s past, you learn there is a puppet master with bigger intentions.  While watching, you will notice the drastic lighting changes during the movie.  This happens because the director used natural light for each scene.  However, stellar performances will keep you engrossed in every moment of this film.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

I didn’t know. I didn’t know it was her – Theresa

I can’t talk to you about this right now. Isabelle, I will call you about this tomorrow – Oscar

Get away from me – Isabel

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Overcomer – Review

Overcomer – Budget of $5 million – 1 hour and 55 minutes


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Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

1 John 5:5

Coach John coaches the basketball team and teaches history at Brookshire high school. His son, Ethan, attempted to make the winning basket and missed. With a heartbreaking loss, John delivers a speech to heal his team. This may have not been their year but next year they plan to win it all. The football coach calls John into the teachers’ lounge to hear a devastating news report. The biggest plant in town is moving.  The plant has offered its employees jobs in another town. The football coach knows half of his players’ parents work at the plant. So the kids will be moving with their parents. For him, football season is over. John feels confident in his team’s position until his star players leave for schools with more recognition. Since students are leaving, teachers are leaving too. To fill the stopgap, principal Olivia has asked John to coach a second team: cross country. John doesn’t believe cross country running is a sport and it has an overlap with the basketball schedule. After a few kind words from the principal, John agrees to coach the cross country team. On tryout day, only one runner shows up: Hannah. Hannah is a sophomore, orphaned, sticky-fingerer runner with asthma. John is dumbfounded by the predicament. Most cross country teams have several players and few with asthma. Coach John is frustrated. Then his wife, Amy, remembers she signed him up for a hospital visit with a church member. While waiting in the hospital highway, John is bumped into Thomas’s room. Due to diabetes, Thomas is blind and on dialysis. Even though John isn’t there for Thomas, Thomas asks John to stay and talk. Thomas doesn’t get visitors.  John discovers Thomas was a star cross country runner but fell into a life of drugs and women.  After being broken, he found faith.  Thomas will lead Jack to discover what really makes him who he is and this discovery will lead to every person in Jack’s life, including Hannah, becoming strong, faster, and more faith-driven.

Three words drive this film: Who are you.  Are you your job, friends, family, hobbies, etc? If that defining characteristic is stripped away, who are you then? It’s an extraordinary way to peel back the onion of self-definition.  Hannah answers this question at such a young age after reading Ephesians 1 – 2.  When she states who she is, there will not be a dry eye in the house.  Yes, this is a Christian film however it offers so much more for every type of viewer.  It is a coming of age film with a sports drama that serves its share of tea.  This movie’s realistic view on relationships and forgiveness will hit you at your core.  War Room fans will especially love this movie.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

24? I can do it in 24 – Coach John

That was terrible. Why would anyone want to do this – Will

You made the team run as punishment – Ethan

It’s not a game. Who are you? – Thomas

Now, that is my son – Amy

How do you know god? – Hannah

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