#YogaTeacherKiller, #DeathDownTheAisle, and More – TV Reviews

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Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story – Review

Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Kaitlin Armstrong manages her boyfriend’s career and teaches yoga while handling their rental properties. Kaitlin’s boyfriend, cyclist Colin Strickland, gave their relationship another try. After four months together, Kaitlin feels Colin slipping away again. He doesn’t want to get married or have children anytime soon, and Kaitlin, who is 35 years old, can feel her biological clock ticking. She reminds Colin that she will attend a teacher’s training at the yoga studio. Colin asks her to cover his portion of their rental property’s mortgage since he doesn’t have the money. Then he leaves without saying I love you.

After crying to her sister about Colin, Kaitlin confides in her friend. Kaitlin hopes Colin will change his mind after putting more effort into their relationship. Kaitlin meets with her boss, Paula. Some students complained about Kaitlin’s methods, and now Paula suggests Kaitlin use a softer tone with them.

After her race, Colin approaches a fellow cyclist, Moriah Wilson, a.k.a Mo. They share a lot of interest, career changes, and competitive energy. Colin returns to Kaitlin and says he wants to break up. Kaitlin panics and mentions their businesses. They can’t afford to buy each other out or leave their home. Colin chooses to live with Kaitlin and do business but ends their relationship. Instead of giving up, Kaitlin doubles down on their relationship to prove her worth. After a few months, it works, and Kaitlin has Colin back. Kaitlin is delighted until someone breaks into Mo’s home and murders her. Kaitlin falls apart when the police question Colin, but what will she do when they suspect her of the crime?

Kaitlin was an obsessed woman with sunk cost fallacy toward her relationship. She put so much time and money into her relationship with Colin because she saw him as the father of her children. And she was preoccupied with her biological clock. She never considered other alternatives like IVF, freezing her eggs, adoption, or finding another man. When she went on dates during her breakup with Colin, Kaitlin constantly talked about having children now. It scared any potential suitors away. Friends and family warned Kaitlin about her annoying behavior over Colin, but she refused to listen. Her obsession festered into cyberstalking, harassment, and false allegations. Viewers can see that Kaitlin is a backup plan for Colin. He likes having her around to work for free and build his brand, but he will date Kaitlin when he has no other options. The writers ensured that Mo wasn’t the antagonist. She pushed Colin away when he discovered he had a girlfriend and pursued him when he didn’t. Mo was the only victim in this story. Kaitlin was a woman with many talents but no identity without Colin. This story is a lesson for those willing to listen.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars

I am soft – Kaitlin

You look so much more beautiful without makeup – Colin

I think that you sell yourself short, too – Mo

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Death Down the Aisle – Review

Death Down the Aisle – LMN – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Hotel owner Francesca helps her friend, Malorie, put the finishing touches on her hair and make-up before Malorie’s wedding to Jon. Francesca enjoyed planning Malorie’s wedding more than anyone’s in the past. After Francesca leaves, Malorie’s ex-husband, Ryan, enters and begs for a second chance. He got a new job and went into recovery for his drinking. He stays in the bridal suite, continuing to plead his case.

Jon checks out the altar before the wedding and bumps into his future mother-in-law, Pamela. Pamela doesn’t hide her disdain for Jon because he didn’t fight her resignation. Jon wouldn’t solidify Pamela’s salary and benefits before his merger with Miles’s company. So, Pam gave Jon two weeks’ notice, and he let her leave. Despite her anger, Pam decided to walk her daughter, Malorie, down the aisle. Pam gives Jon one of his favorite energy drinks to make a temporary truce. Jon heads to his suite and runs into his daughter, Bridget. She prepared the home for Malorie to move in after the wedding. Jon is happy to see Malorie and Bridget bonding. 

Jon straightens his tie in the groom’s private suite, and his cousin, business partner Zach, enters with tumblers of scotch. Zach asks Jon to reconsider Zach’s girlfriend, Amy, for the promotion. Jon doesn’t think she has the experience but promises to ponder it later. Zach warns Jon that he saw Ryan going to Malorie’s room earlier. Jon b-lines for Malorie but crosses paths with Amy first. She wants to discuss the promotion, but Jon doesn’t have time. She gives him coffee, and he takes a few sips before going to the bridal suite. 

Jon interrupts Ryan’s outpouring of emotion and sternly asks him to leave Malorie’s suite. Malorie backs up Jon’s request, and Ryan exits. As Jon and Malorie kiss, a housekeeper brings a glass of champagne. Jon pours some in a second flute and hands it to Malorie before he takes a sip. They joke about wedding traditions before Jon retreats to meet her at the altar.

Malorie walks down the aisle with her mother by her side. Bridget and Amy watch from the audience while Zach stands next to Jon. Then everyone watches in horror while Jon coughs up blood and collapses to the ground. Jon dies at the wedding, and the police allow the family a few minutes with his body. Amy returns to Jon’s home to grieve while Malorie goes to hers. 

Malorie calls Zach and Bridget to meet at her home, but Bridget is too sad to leave Jon’s home. Zach arrives, and Malorie gives Zach and Pam somber news. She is two months pregnant with Jon’s baby. Jon never knew because Malorie wanted the pregnancy to be a wedding surprise. Then, Detective Levine enters Malorie’s home. The autopsy revealed strychnine in Jon’s system. So, the police will treat his death as a homicide. As the police investigate the crime, everyone in Jon’s life is a suspect. Who killed Jon?

Lifetimers have a pen and paper handy because this movie doesn’t have a lot of characters but has plenty of motives. Everyone has a grievance and hides a secret from each other. Even Malorie isn’t squeaky clean. The culprit was cunning in the beginning but hit a slippery slope when they had to kill more people to keep everything a secret. Their plan and sanity began to unravel. This script sets itself apart because Malorie isn’t the only one looking for clues. Malorie uses Pam as a sounding board as Zach turns to Amy. The killer’s unveiling feels uneventful, but the plot is worth the price of admission. The script offers juicy information, secret deals, and a tawdry past. The only thing missing from this wild ride was a murder board.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

You’ve been avoiding me lately – Jon

I am not interested in what you have to say – Pamela

I still love you. We can work through this – Ryan

He’s my past. You’re my future – Malorie

I just want to make him proud – Bridget

I think having her around gives Zach a sense of comfort – Amy

It’s difficult to trust anyone right now – Zach

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Gaslit By My Husband: The Morgan Metzer Story – Review

Gaslit By My Husband: The Morgan Metzer Story – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Morgan and Rodney return home from the hospital after their newborn son, Kevin, dies after emergency heart surgery. Morgan cries in her closet while Rodney talks to their visiting family, offering condolences. Rodney believes God is testing their faith. They met at 14, and now Rodney promises to stand by her side forever. 

Eight years later, Rodney and Morgan have their twins, Mason and Amelia. They mourn the loss of Kevin and celebrate his birthday every year. Morgan attends a grief support group, takes anti-anxiety medication, and works as a homemaker. After a group session, Morgan returns home to Rodney’s questions. He wants to know why she didn’t pick the kids up. She is sure that Tuesday is his day because she has group therapy. Rodney says she promised to do it. Since he had to leave work early to pick them up, his boss fired him. Morgan apologizes and offers to work as an interior designer until he finds a job. Rodney scoffs because Morgan doesn’t have a degree. He says no one will ever hire her. Until then, Rodney will use his $2.7 million trust fund to cover them. However, he will manage the fund for the foreseeable future because he thinks he can do a better job than the broker. 

Morgan buys a cake and returns home for Kevin’s birthday celebration. Rodney confronts her, says she’s too drunk, and tries to grab the cake. When Morgan snatches it away, it drops to the ground. Morgan retreats inside the home to compose herself. Morgan finds Nicole inside the house, marveling at Morgan’s decor. Nicole asks to take pictures for inspiration. Nicole believes Morgan has an eye for design. As Nicole snaps images, Morgan cleans the appetizer display. Rodney approaches Morgan about acting like a drunk teenager in front of their friends and family. They fight, and Rodney pulls back and grabs his face. He runs outside and tells everyone she drunkenly hit him. Nicole cautiously approaches Morgan, but Morgan runs away. Morgan vows to do anything to fix her marriage. But is she the person breaking it?

This film lays out Rodney’s behavior through Morgan’s experience. It’s difficult to see when the manipulation started. Did Rodney’s gaslighting start in high school, after their marriage, or when he found her medication? Viewers discover the depth of Rodney’s malicious actions when he gets her friends and family to turn against her. He uses lies and video to alter their view of Morgan. He twists the loss of his jobs, the death of Kevin, and his vitriolic words as her fault. However, Morgan learns to stand proud in the life she carves for herself. Therapy, friendship, and work help Morgan rise above and stand against Rodney’s gaslighting. Her story will make you cheer for the woman Morgan became through loving a narcissist.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars

Stop acting like a crazy teenager – Rodney

I feel so isolated – Morgan

Morgan, he is not a good partner – Nicole

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The Wedding Rule – Review

The Wedding Rule – UPtv – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Gemma’s phone rings before she leaves her office for a meeting. Rosa passed away in her sleep. Gemma sits in shock as she processes the information. She worked in Rosa’s restaurant during high school and developed her love for baking. Gemma wanted to teach baking but now works in marketing. She looks through old photos and finds one image of her high school friend, Max. Gemma’s co-worker, Kat, asks about him now. Gemma proudly states that Max is a chef in New York after working in Rosa’s restaurant. Days later, Rosa’s lawyer, Marvin, calls. Gemma is in Rosa’s will. Marvin asks Gemma to stop by his office for the will reading. 

Max creates another dish at the restaurant but questions his integrity. He doesn’t believe that the food is about taste but showmanship. Max leaves a note for his boss, Chef Paul, stating that Max needs a break and leaves. Max asks his friend, Noland, if he can sleep at his place until the reading, and Noland agrees. Noland questions Max about Gemma because she is in town. Max admits he hasn’t seen or spoken to Gemma in years. 

Max and Gemma meet in Marvin’s lobby and catch up before the will reading. Marvin informs them that Rosa left them her restaurant, but their is one caveat. They need to be married in 3 weeks to obtain ownership. Marvin questions their marital status; both Gemma and Max are single. If only one gets married, that person will own it. However, if neither marries in 3 weeks, Rosa’s nephew, Santos, will get ownership. Max grimaces because Santos will tear it down for a condo development. Max believes the stipulation is wild, but Gemma thinks it’s possible to find ‘the one’ and marry in 3 weeks. They are racing to find true love, but the finish line is closer than they think. 

This movie is one and a half hours longer than necessary. In real life, Gemma and Max would get married, obtain the business, and get an annulment. Marvin never stated how long they had to be married, just that they had to get married. The audience will laugh at Gemma and Max’s doomed dates, but they are time fillers. You know how the story will conclude, so the movie becomes white noise. Also, if you watch the trailer, you’ve seen the entire film.

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

I wonder how many zesters he has in his kitchen – Evie

Is this a kitchen or a science lab – Max

Are you in some kind of trouble? Because if you are, I know a guy – Kat

She was never charged – Nolan

We just can’t go into business together. I don’t know how many zesters he owns – Gemma

I don’t recall asking for your permission – Santos

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Savoring Paris – Review

Savoring Paris – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Ella dries her tears during a product meeting as her new boss, Cole, introduces new products in their food line. He congratulates Ella on her contribution, Croque Monsieur with comtĂ© cheese (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). As Cole speaks, Ella’s co-worker, Desi, secretly texts Ella. Desi believes Ella should have gotten the promotion over Cole because he uses Ella’s ideas. Ella pretends to be happy and meets with her mother, Laury, at a potential home. Laury wants Ella to buy a house and freeze her eggs to prepare for her future self. Ella requests more time to think about the purchase.

At the taste test, Ella beams because she gets to try her latest creation. She tells Desi that comté cheese changed her life when she visited Paris years ago. She takes one bite and spits it out. They shortcut the ingredients. This blunder is the last straw, and Ella suffers an anxiety spiral. Desi stops Ella by saying she needs a vacation. Ella immediately announces she will take two weeks off and flies to Paris. 

Ella arrives in Paris and walks to the La Fromagerie. The owner makes her wait until he opens. Ella prattles, but the owner has little to say to the American. He believes her palette doesn’t extend beyond cheddar, but she shocks him by ordering comtĂ©. She eats her cheese and travels to the dock. She flirts with Gaston but doesn’t go any further because she plans on leaving soon. Ella arrives at her rental apartment and meets the hostess, owner Clotilde. Clotilde gives Ella a proper French greeting and tells Ella to have fun after hearing about Ella’s corporate burnout. Ella loves the room and takes it for her trip.

Ella spends more time in the city and meets a tourist guide, Anya. Anya can hear Ella’s phone ping and warns her to take a proper Parisian holiday. It will allow Ella to recharge without distractions. Ella commiserates to Clotilde that she wants to stay, and Clotilde encourages Ella to do it. Ella quits her job and extends her trip for three months. She interns for the cheese owner, Serge, dates Gaston, embraces fashion, finds a new passion, and falls in love.

Based on Fromage Ă  Trois: Paris. Love. Cheese by Victoria Brownlee, this movie is best with wine and an assortment of new cheese (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Let this script expand your palette. You may not be able to get Mimolette but try the Ella experience. Ella falls for Paris and Gaston simultaneously but worries that she is sinking into a new groove. Serge tells Ella to start a reverse bucket list to enjoy the life she has today. Instead of anticipating the next thing to satisfy her, Ella learns to revel in what’s in front of her. Gaston and Serge know each each other. Serge thinks Gaston is a cad, and Gaston believes Serge is a grump. While one man denies the accusation, the other charmingly leans into it. It makes him more lovable to Ella and the audience. Hallmarkies must watch the screen because translations, alerts, and private communications appear as on-screen notification bubbles. This movie is a treat for the senses and makes the audience crave part two. 

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

A cheese changed your life? – Desi

I do need a vacation – Ella

Maybe not good for me – Serge

Turn off and really allow yourself to recharge while you are here – Anya

Everyone can wear red lipstick – Clotilde

How are you affording this midlife crisis – Laury

It’s never work when I’m with you – Gaston

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