#BadBoys – Movie Review

Bad Boys: Ride or Die – Budget of $100 million – 1 hour and 55 minutes

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Marcus delivers a toast at a moment he thought would never happen: Mike’s wedding. Marcus cries as he wishes Mike the best with his new bride, Christine. Marcus gets help from Captain Conrad’s daughter, U.S. Marshall Judy, and granddaughter, Callie. Marcus dances the Wobble and suffers a heart attack (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). Captain Conrad assures Marcus that he won’t die and gives Marcus a warning. Marcus wakes up with a new lease on life and is 100% fearless. He returns home to a loving and vegetarian family. As Marcus begs Mike to get him Skittles, Mike gets a news alert on his phone. The FBI found evidence that Captain Conrad was working with the drug cartels. They found $20 million in his bank account and a known cartel banker dead. 

Mike and Marcus run to headquarters to clear their captain’s legacy, but Captain Rita and her boyfriend, Attorney General Lockwood, must follow the evidence. They try to calm Marcus and Mike down, but the detectives won’t budge. Judy enters and demands they find the real culprits. Mike offers to help, but she refuses because Mike’s son, Armando, killed her dad (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).

Mike and Marcus ride and contemplate their next steps when they get a video message from Conrad. He was looking into corruption after their ecstasy bust years ago. He sent Dominguez and Sanchez undercover to investigate his suspicions (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). But when they died in a car crash, he never sent anyone again. Now, he needs his Bad Boys to clear his name. He warns them to trust no one. Mike believes they must ask a cartel member to catch the corruption. 

Mike and Marcus visit Armando in prison. Armando states that Conrad was clean. Also, his mother, Isabel, didn’t put Conrad on the list; someone added him. Armando didn’t know the person’s name but saw his face. He believes he can point the man out in a photo. Mike and Marcus find Conrad’s secret case files and pull Armando out of jail to go through them. They believe they have an advantage, but the culprit is one step ahead. To get through this, Mike and Marcus will need fate, AMMO, Reggie, and alligators. 

For newcomers to the franchise, it helps to see the three previous films before watching this 4th installment (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). It makes several mentions of past cases, suspects, and run-ins. This chapter of the buddy-action-comedy will introduce a new version of Bad Boys, tie up loose ends, and show you another side of Reggie. Unlike the previous films, Mike is cautious and has panic attacks. However, Marcus is fearless and wild. Marcus stands on the edge of a building, walks through traffic, and rebukes a monster. Their switch, along with the action-packed fight scenes, make this movie entertaining. And let’s not forget the classic shots of Mike and Marcus getting up after a fight, staring at the Miami skyline and the plane over the Miami sign. This film will please long-standing fans but could leave newbies confused. Be prepared to laugh, wince, and cheer.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

I used to be a drug dealer – Armando

It’s not your time – Captain Conrad

I can’t die – Marcus

You don’t know my husband – Christine

He got a strange look in his eye – Mike

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