#MommyMeanest, #TheManny, and More – TV Reviews

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Mommy Meanest – Review

Mommy Meanest – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Mia delivers an impassioned speech to her senior class during Maplewood Prep’s Anti-Bullying Week. She suffered her first year because she wasn’t rich like the other students. Her mother, Madelyn, got a job as a music teacher so Mia could attend. Mia praises Madelyn and her friend, Eliot, because they helped her find a way to turn her negative into a positive. Mia steps away from the podium, and Eliot approaches her with a rose. Before he can give it to her, Josh asks Mia about attending the University of Northeast Florida in the fall. He got accepted and thought they could get to know each other before. Eliot quietly retreats with his rose after seeing Mia with a member of the ‘Jet Set.’ Madelyn leaves her love interest, Scot, when she sees her ex-husband, Erik, exiting the auditorium. Erik rages about Madelyn driving a wedge between him and Mia. She informs Erik that Mia sets the boundaries, not her. Erik warns Madelyn that Madelyn will be an empty-nester soon. So she better prepare to be alone. Madelyn walks to her classroom when Scot finds her and ends their relationship.

Madelyn sits with her student, Zoey, and questions Zoey about her ongoing cyberbullying case. Zoey is glad the case will close soon. While it was disturbing, it brought her closer to her parents. Madelyn can’t wait to snuggle under the covers with Mia and watch Gilmore Girls (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). However, Mia has plans with the ‘Jet Set’ and asks for a rain check. Madelyn obliges. Later, the principal pulls Madelyn aside. The students love her, but the faculty worries that she latches on to her students and doesn’t commune with them. If she doesn’t change, it will be in his review. 

Mia returns home with exhilaration. She can’t wait to move 3,000 miles away, attend her dream school, and continue her blooming friendship with Josh. Then, Mia gets a disgusting text message from an unknown number. She runs to Madelyn for comfort. Madelyn assures Mia it will stop. Soon, Mia receives hundreds of texts from unknown numbers. And it’s hurting her schoolwork, relationships, and spirit. At least she has Madelyn. Will they find Mia’s cyberstalker before they end her life?

Inspired by actual events, this movie is wild, and you must give it time to cook. The principal and police take Mia’s concerns seriously, and it’s refreshing. Mia takes steps to defend herself by blocking the numbers and getting a new phone with an unlisted number. But nothing helps. As her life falls apart, her bully’s life rises. This film highlights the new phenomena of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in the digital age. The cyberbully will stop at nothing to gain attention from everyone in their life. The bully uses spoofing, theft, slang, and time messages to tear Mia down. The plot slowly connects the audience to Mia and her descent into depression, isolation, and desperation over the harassment. That’s when the conclusion gives you the gut punch: the cyberbully’s monologue. You have no idea how deep the evil goes. Be ready to rage and watch again for all the subtle clues you missed. This torment isn’t the bully’s first rodeo.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars

What goes wrong can be made right – Mia

Make friends my age, got it – Madelyn

I didn’t send those nasty texts to Mia. – Eliot

I divorced your mom, not you – Erik

Maybe we can be desperate together – Summer

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The Manny – Review

The Manny – LMN – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Lani hosts a web cooking show called Kitchen Rebel from her home. She and her assistant, Mercedes, are excited because they are in final talks to bring their show to TV. Mercedes thinks Lani is also delighted to have dinner with the producer, Zack. She can sense the attraction between Lani and Zack, but Lani slyly denies it. Lani wants to hire a nanny because there will be more work over the coming weeks. Mercedes put an ad online but questions Lani about the nanny’s gender. Lani states she wants a woman. 

Morgan knocks on the door after Lani finishes recording. He came for the job, but Mercedes swears she rejected him earlier. Morgan believes his epicene name makes people overlook him. However, Jaylen likes Morgan because they are fans of the same team. Morgan hands Lani a stack of references and connects over a chocolate allergy. He gives Lani peppermint oil for a headache and rubs Lani’s neck. Then, Lani hears her ex-husband, Darren. He pulls Lani aside and demands she doesn’t hire Morgan. Darren believes Morgan is a handsome distraction. Also, Darren needs to cancel his hiking trip with Jaylen. She is furious that Darren is trying to control her life. He tells him to stay out of her business and focus on Jaylen. She is disappointed that Darren canceled his plans with Jaylen, but Morgan offers to take Jaylen hiking. Lani says no but agrees to let Mercedes do it. Morgan leaves but asks Lani to keep his information. 

Mercedes had a bad fall after slipping on cooking oil on her apartment stairs. She broke her foot and now can’t take Jaylen to the cabin. Lani worries the divorce negatively impacts Jaylen, and Jaylen needs a positive male figure in his life. So, she calls Morgan’s references and hires him after hearing glowing reviews. Lani fulfills Darren’s promise and takes Jaylen to the cabin over Jaylen’s spring break. She asks Morgan to attend to care for Jaylen and fill in for Mercedes. It doesn’t take long for Lani to depend on Morgan. But nothing happens by accident. Morgan studied Lani and Jaylen to mold himself into the perfect manny. He wants to create his dream family and will kill to do it. 

Morgan’s deception is an art form. He stalks his prey online and parrots the information when they meet. Then, he offers helpful hints to show he cares while alienating Lani. Lani attempts to fire Morgan several times, but he alters the situation, so she needs him. Friends try to warn Lani, but it takes some time to see the truth. When she does, the script leans in and embraces the crazy. This film is fun to watch but won’t require a second viewing unless it’s a rainy day. And the conclusion doesn’t come with a pretty bow, just life lessons. 

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

On to the next – Morgan

Date as much as humanly possible. It’s so much fun – Shannon

Mom, there’s a guy here you need to talk to – Jaylen

I’m on to you – Lani

Am I interrupting – Darren

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My Life is on the Line – Review

My Life is on the Line – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Shannon argues with her ex-husband, Joel, over their son’s afterschool pick-up. It’s Joel’s day, but he demands Shannon get Dylan from school. If Shannon doesn’t, Joel will bring it up at their next mediation meeting. Shannon begs Joel to move their next meeting, but he refuses and calls her a bad mother. She relents and promises to pick up Dylan. Shannon takes a deep breath and walks into work at the Southwest Credit Union call center. Her boss, Pilar, warns Shannon that she must make her survey quota. Shannon must get her callers to complete ten surveys by 5 pm or lose her job. Next, Shannon receives a call from the mediator, Debbie. Shannon’s last drug test registered positive. Shannon tries to explain it’s due to her medication, but Debbie won’t hear it. Debbie warns Shannon to stop taking drugs, keep her job, and make her appointments. Or lose custody of and visitation rights to Dylan.

Nicholas calls Shannon from the hospital because Nicholas’s wife, Maggie, needs emergency surgery, but the doctor won’t perform it without a deposit of $20,000. Nicholas tried to charge it, but it bounced because of an overdraft. Shannon sympathizes with him and looks at Pilar’s office. She wants to override the notification for him but needs Pilar to approve. Shannon knocks on Pilar’s window, but Pilar closes her blinds. Shannon overrides it by entering Pilar’s code without Pilar’s approval. Nicholas leaves Shannon a glowing review. The charge goes through, and the fraud department immediately flags the account. Shannon watches her screen blink red in horror when Maggie calls. Maggie can’t run her business because the company account is frozen. Shannon requests Maggie’s location, and Maggie states she’s home and her husband, Nicholas, is away on business. Shannon promises to review the information. Shannon made a mistake. But she discovers a way to keep the charge pending. At 5 pm, the change will disappear without anyone the wiser. But Nicholas won’t let up. Shannon gave him personal information during their call. He threatens her job and son when she refuses to release the money. Can Shannon keep Nicholas at bay without anyone uncovering her mistake?

Shannon’s life starts on shaky ground. Joel, Pilar, and Debbie all threaten her, using Dylan as a focal point. Shannon could lose her son with one misstep. Pilar could fire Shannon if Shannon doesn’t get customers to complete surveys. Shannon could lose custody if she doesn’t have steady employment. Joel dangles the agreement if Shannon says no to him. One complaint could revoke her visitation. Debbie piles on when she suggests Shannon stop taking her medication for a clean drug test. Now, everything in her life hinges on Nicholas, a con artist. During their first conversation, she gave him too much personal information about her divorce, job, and son. Now, he knows how to manipulate her. This movie happens over a few hours, and you will want to scream. Shannon’s first mistake is not following protocols. However, her continuous lies only worsen the situation. So, your anxiety and frustration will build at the same time. This movie is a roller coaster for your emotions, but you never feel bad for Shannon. She is in a hole, but she keeps digging. This film is a fun distraction, but you won’t watch it twice.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

We’re closed – Shannon

She’s lying to everyone – Nicholas

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