#FridayNightSextScandal, #CrimesOfFashion, and more – TV Reviews

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Friday Night Sext Scandal – Review

Friday Night Sext Scandal – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Shawn eats dinner with his mother, Lucinda, his best friend, Lauren, and Lauren’s mother, Cara, and discuss their day. He relays that he made 1st string on the varsity football game. They openly cheer for him. Then, Shawn tells Lucinda that teammate Woodley invited him to a party. Lucinda says Shawn can go.

Shawn goes to Woodley’s house to pregame. They pressure Shawn to drink alcohol and ask Shawn to go hunting with them. Woodley logs on to a website, and Shawn recognizes some girls. Woodley explains that the site is for them to share nude photos of girls at their school. They compete with other schools for pictures and give each other challenges. Shawn tries to hide his discomfort, but Woodley assures Shawn that the pictures are private. They plan to find new girls from the party to add to the site. And they want Shawn to join. They will give Shawn access to the site if he has a worthy contribution.

Shawn meets Brooklynn at the party, and the team wants Shawn to add her. They date and have sex, and she shares private photos. Later, Shawn gets hit during a drill and hurts his ACL. He feels useless because he can’t play football and drives Brooklyn away. When Brooklyn starts dating someone else, he gets revenge by posting her pictures on the Hunted website. The team congratulates Shawn and invites him to another pregame. St. Frances, a rival school, challenged them. They want to see who can get the most band girls on the site. Woodley remembers that Shawn’s best friend, Lauren, plays in the school band and wants to put a target on Lauren. Shawn opposes. Woodley assumes that Shawn wants Lauren for himself. Woodley backs down. However, Woodley warns Shawn that someone will put a target on Lauren, so Shawn should act quickly. Shawn doesn’t want to be an outsider on the team but doesn’t want to hurt Lauren. What will he choose?

This film focuses on Shawn and why he adds photos to the site. He will do anything to be a part of the team. Shawn doesn’t have much outside the football world. Soon, he uses the site to settle scores but never thinks about the long-term ramifications to his victims. Sadly, these young men believe they can keep something on the internet private. The conclusion is tricky. Some viewers will love the ending because the school blames the boys. And some will agree with Lauren’s action, but others will not. This movie could become a teaching tool for handling peer pressure among males. If you listen, you will understand how the conclusion negatively impacted the boys. But the damage to the females will last forever. The punishment will never fit the crime.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

Do these girls know about this – Shawn

Ok, if you say so – Lauren

Am I a bad mom – Lucinda

For your eyes only, ok – Brooklynn

His knee may be busted, but the rest of him works just fine – Woodley

Don’t talk to her – Cara

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Crimes of Fashion: Killer Clutch – Review

Crimes of Fashion: Killer Clutch – Hallmark Mystery – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Lauren walks with her detective father when she gets a call from her friend, Charlotte. Charlotte arrived in Manhattan with her boss, famed fashion designer Virgil St-James. Charlotte looks forward to spending time with Charlotte. However, Charlotte can’t wait until tonight. Virgil is having a panic attack. Charlotte wants Lauren to use her expertise as aĀ fashion psychologistĀ to calm Virgil. Lauren runs to Virgil’s rental loft and uses theĀ 3-3-3 methodĀ to ease his fears. Virgil decides he needs her skills forĀ Paris Fashion WeekĀ and politely demands Lauren attend with him and Charlotte.Ā 

Virgil and Charlotte welcome Lauren to the Lavigne Paris design house. They introduce her to Virgil’s core staff. Gerard handles Lavigne’s business side while ThĆ©o directs the show and coordinates the models. Ondine oversees designs, and Ari is the CEO. Virgil asks them to use Lauren’s expertise to help throughout the fashion week. Lauren walks around and hears Virgil yelling about counterfeit handbags. His stone-faced handbag is the centerpiece of his show, and the purse retails for thousands. However, counterfeiters got a hold of the design before it hit the runway, and he is furious. Then, Lauren hears Gerard yelling at the photographer, Patrick. He fires Patrick over a poorly lit photoshoot, and Patrick vows payback.Ā 

Later, everyone scurries because editor-in-chief Diana arrives to get an advanced look at the show. When she disapproves, Virgil runs away to make changes, but Gerard warns her about giving the fashions a poor review. He threatens to pull their ads if he can’t approve her evaluations.Ā 

Lauren sits by the runway and hears fashion blogger Tabi arguing with Gerard. He placed her behind a column, and now she fumes. Then, a rival designer, Riccardo, demands to speak to Virgil, but Virgil briskly walks away. Gerard leaves to help Virgil with the models while Charlotte asks Lauren to assist Virgil with another attack. After relieving Virgil’s panic, Lauren can see a model, Naomi, is upset and wearing another dress. Virgil picked another model to be his muse by placing his pin on her and giving the model the top spot in the show. He put Naomi at the back. Before the models approach the catwalk, Virgil and Charlotte put a metal signature hairpin in their hair.

The show ends, and Charlotte collects the hairpins. Then, Lauren hears Charlotte’s screams. She runs upstairs to find Charlotte with a box of hairpins and Gerard dead with a hairpin stabbed in his back. Inspector AndrĆ© questions everyone in attendance. AndrĆ© examines the body and uncovers that Gerard still wears his expensive jewelry. So, AndrĆ© deduces that his crime was not a robbery. AndrĆ© asks Lauren if she saw anyone other than Charlotte with Gerard’s body at the murder scene. Lauren refuses to lie and says no. So, AndrĆ© arrests Charlotte. After quickly learning that the Parisian wheels of justice run differently, Lauren will do anything to clear Charlotte’s name before AndrĆ© formerly charges Charlotte with Gerard’s murder.

This new Hallmark Mystery movie is a series in the making. The script provides Hallmarkies with a detailed description of its leading protagonist, Lauren, at the beginning. Her father talked through his cases with her as a child. And her degree and clinical practice enabled her to converse with people and unknowingly gain information while studying their body language. Her fashion specialization makes her uniquely qualified to work with Virgil. Inspector AndrĆ© has a complex backstory. He works twice as hard to restore his family’s honor while attempting to outrun his father’s deceitful past. The plot offers several suspects with rivalries, resentment, and revenge in the cut-throat fashion world. As Lauren gets closer to a suspect, another person dies. However, one statement from a goon will give the culprit away, but Hallmarkies will watch to uncover the motive. This film is a gripping start to a promising franchise.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

That’s because beige and black are classic – Lauren

He said he’ll get even – Charlotte

They should join creative forces – Riccardo

Enjoy the show – Gerard

It’s not a place for jokes – AndrĆ©

What do we have here – Virgil

I don’t need your help. I’m fine – ThĆ©o

A feud would mean that we were equals – Riccardo

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Killing All My Sisters – Review

Killing All My Sisters – LMN – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Best friends Jenna and Emily move into their dorm with their mothers by their side. Madison approaches them and talks about the Beta Kappa Epsilon sorority. Emily worries about drinking, but the president, Brittany, says sisters under 21 are not allowed to drink. Madison, the vice president, and Brittany invite Jenna and Emily to a mixer. Jenna and Emily accept the offer.

Jenna and Emily meet several sisters at the BKE house, including Dana. Dana drinks tea and water because alcohol can negatively affect her blood sugar. The girls party but return to their dorms to make the first day of classes on time. Emily eagerly wakes up Jenna for classes. As Emily waits, she meets William in the hall. He is a school reporter and wants to interview Jenna, a rising track star. Jenna rushes out of the dorm room and can feel the attraction between Emily and William but ignores it. Jenna and Emily walk together and find Dana dead in the courtyard.

The police report that Dana was drunk and hit her head, but Emily knows that can’t be correct. After more incidents, Emily decides not to pledge, but Jenna stays. Emily believes Madison and Brittany are corrupt leaders on a power trip. And Brittany hasn’t gotten over her ex-boyfriend, Spencer, who dates every girl in the BKE house. When Emily decides to drop out of the pledge week, Jenna and Emily fight over status, money, and guys. Soon, Emily is alone, and the BKE sisters get injured, threatened, or disappear. Is Emily right to be concerned?

The title is deceptive because the body count is low. However, the plot does capture your attention with a juicy whodunit. Of course, Brittany isn’t over Spencer and exacts revenge on any girl who dates him. However, Spencer is worst for preying on any new pledge, putting them in Brittany’s crosshairs. You must watch this movie until the end because it wraps up quickly and puts a nice bow on everyone’s story. If you are an adult watching this film, remember these young women are immature and figuring out life. So give them a break while rolling your eyes. This film is a fun way to spend 2 hours.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

I can’t believe I’m doing this – Emily

It’s good for you to step outside your comfort zone – Jenna

What happens to sisters who betray the sisterhood – Madison

Actions have consequences – Brittany

I heard of eager freshmen, but you might take the prize – William

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A Royal Makeover – Review

A Royal Makeover – UPtv – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Historian Doctor Angelica sits in a shared office with her office mate, Dana, and discusses how much Angelica loves her job at the museum. However, Dana can see that Angelica has had her eyes on their boss, George, for years. But she doesn’t know how to approach him. George comes into their office and requests Angelica follow him.Ā 

Angelica stands stunned when George introduces her to King Felipe and Queen Leticia of Saint Pablo. Angelica studied St. Pablo’s history for herĀ Harvard doctoral thesis. She bows to them and sits. It’s tradition for the king to abdicate the throne at age 65 and crown his heir. The king will be 65 in two weeks but never had children. The king’s distant family came to Miami years ago, and that family has an unknowing heir, Ramone. They want Angelica to help Ramone prepare to become a king because he is too American. She must teach him Spanish, St. Pablo’s history, royal etiquette, and the Venezuelan Waltz. They will fund the museum and Angelica’s research trip to St. Pablo if Angelica is successful.Ā 

The king and queen visit Ramone and inform him of his royal bloodline. He doesn’t show interest in a family or country he doesn’t know. They ask him to meet with a beautiful woman, Angelica, and have dinner at the most exclusive restaurant in Miami. Ramone says yes and shows up in street clothes, holding a can. He refuses to eat the escargot or drink the wine. He gets up, walks out, and invites Angelica to join him. He orders 12 tacos and hands most of them to homeless people. He informs Angelica that he has no desire to be king. However, Angelica believes he is a diamond in the rough.Ā 

George requests an update. Angelica tells George that Ramone is hesitant but thinks he will be ready. George breathes a sigh of relief. The museum lost its most lucrative donor. They need the king and queen’s philanthropy to save their department and Angelica’s job. Angelica’s determination solidifies. However, the king’s advisor, Carlos, watches to sabotage Angelica. If Ramone rejects the title, St. Pablo will become a republic, and Carlos will be the president. Carlos’s wife, Eva, encourages Carlos’s pursuits. She dreads being the queen’s lady-in-waiting and wants power. Can Angelica succeed in a royal makeover, or will Carlos reign supreme?Ā 

This movie has a gender swap with the guy discovering he is a king. Ramone second-guesses his ability because his mother taught him negative self-worth. However, Angelica and the audience can see he is benevolent, determined, and understanding. Also, you can see the spark Ramone carries for Angelica even though she fawns over George. Along with mental obstacles, Ramone does face physical ones to the throne as Eva and Carlos hinder him. This movie is funny, charming, and well-acted. But the backing track drowns out the actors several times. So enjoy this movie with your remote to turn up the volume.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

Don’t give up hope. There are good men out there – Dana

When do I start – Angelica

What? I don’t get a bow – Ramone

I knew she would say that – Zoraida

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