#TheBadGuardian, #FamilyPracticeMysteries, and More – TV Reviews

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The Bad Guardian – Review

The Bad Guardian – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Leigh repeatedly calls her father, Jason, while on vacation with her family. However, she can’t get an answer. So, they cut their vacation short to drive to Jason’s home. Leigh enters with her husband, Luis, and children, Allie and Robert. They find it empty with blood on the floor. They call the police, and Detective Haywood finds Jason at Shadyside Assistant Living facility. 

Jason fell and got a concussion. He didn’t remember Leigh’s phone number. Also, the 911 operator got his name wrong. Amongst the confusion, the hospital called a woman, Janet, to watch over Jason. Leigh asks the facility’s administrator, Tanya, for Janet’s information. Tanya says Janet is in the building, so Leigh finds her. Leigh meets Janet and Janet’s brother, Dave. They explain guardianship to Leigh. Although Leigh is grateful, she wants to take over Jason’s care. Janet explains that Leigh has to go to court to remove guardianship. Leigh leaves and starts calling the courthouse for more information.

After a few days, Leigh gets someone on the phone and learns Janet is applying for permanent guardianship today. Leigh runs to the hearing, but the judge rules in Janet’s favor. Leigh stands in disbelief. She goes to a lawyer for help but can’t afford him. She hopes to save up enough money to free Jason. However, the clock is ticking. Janet wiped out Jason’s bank accounts, put his house up for sale, and auctioned off his belongings. Jason is a victim of Janet’s greed. Will Leigh help him survive this scam with his life?

Elder abuse under guardianship is not new. This movie spotlights the systems keeping this crime in place. Corporate greed, political gain, and fear keep loving families away and elders under a stranger’s control. Janet has an intricate system of family and friends to maintain her control over her wards. The for-profit nursing facilities depend on Janet’s placements to stay open. And the judge wants to get re-elected while Janet’s family has businesses that rely on her ward’s property. Leigh has to navigate this while caring for her family, limited knowledge of the system, and working. Viewers will feel their stress levels rise. While you gain some relief at the conclusion, you may still feel helpless. Lifetime does offer helpful links at the end. This movie is a necessary call to action. Protect the people you love today and do everything to protect yourself tomorrow.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars

In case you noticed, your mom’s not really good at standing up for herself – Jason

He can’t leave without my permission – Janet

He can’t even testify to why what you’re doing is wrong – Leigh

It’s a decision his guardian has made – Teresa

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Family Practice Mysteries: Coming Home – Review

Family Practice Mysteries: Coming Home – Hallmark Mystery – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Dr. Rachel Hunt examines Ross Alexander’s chart. She assures him that he is healthy for his age. However, Ross’s anxiety looms because he is the same age as his father was when his father died of prostate cancer. Rachel states she will order an MRI to check his prostate’s health and alert Ross immediately of any news. Ross breathes a sigh of relief and awaits his results. 

Rachel gets Ross’s clean bill of health in the morning but can’t contact him. Rachel’s father, Rick, knows Ross and thinks Ross is at his lake house with spotty cell service. Rick suggests Rachel go there or Ross’s place of employment, The Morning Observer. Rachel takes Rick’s advice and drives to Ross’s lake house. She finds Ross dead at his desk with an edited article under his head. Rachel contacts the police, and they arrive with a coroner. The coroner doesn’t see foul play, so she labels the death natural. Rachel explains that Ross had a clean test earlier and wants an autopsy. The coroner believes there is no need. 

Rick can see that Rachel is upset, so he stages an informal meeting between Rachel and Detective Jack. Rachel and Jack met early and now make quips about it. However, Jack sides with the coroner’s findings because an autopsy is expensive. Rachel would need to garner evidence to get an exam.

Rachel goes to the funeral home to meet with Ross’s family. Ross’s brother, Leonard, Leonard’s wife, Meredith, and Meredith’s brother, Phil, fume at the idea of an autopsy. They demand Rachel leave. Later, Rachel has an idea from her daughter, Chloe, to check with Ross’s co-workers. Rachel talks to Avery at The Morning Observer. He reveals that Dave Stringer threatened Ross over an upcoming exposé. Jack grants the autopsy. Then, Rachel’s son, Matthew, tells Rachel to consider who would benefit from Ross’s death. She talks to Ross’s attorney and discovers Leonard is Ross’s only living relative. She gives the coroner a list of potential poisons, and the coroner finds succinylcholine in Ross’s tissue. This death is a homicide. Rachel once investigated deaths as an army doctor, so she can’t let Ross’s murder go. She vows to find Ross’s killer.

Sleuthers, don’t worry if you overthink this movie. You are so used to Hallmark curve balls, so you think outside the box. This first installment introduces you to Rachel, her family, and her past. She lost her husband two years ago in a military mission. Rachel returned home to raise her children as she and her husband planned. Her twins are navigating a new high school while Rachel deals with life as a civilian. This movie engages, but it needs time to mature. It does have potential, an intriguing storyline, a fun mystery, and complex characters.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

Thank you. I’m flattered – Jack

You didn’t have to. Your eyes betrayed you – Rick

If it hits you, it counts – Rachel

Can’t you just leave us alone – Leonard

Stay out of our business – Phil

Don’t you have any decency – Meredith

Cui bono – Matthew

Keep asking questions, Rachel – Avery

Sending emails isn’t a crime – Dave

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My Nanny Stole My Life – Review

My Nanny Stole My Life – LMN – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Molly scours the internet for nannies but hasn’t found one she’s comfortable with. However, she must hire someone soon because Molly has to return to work. She talks to her therapist, Dr. Waldron, about her uneasiness. Dr. Waldron suggests Molly ask the women in her postpartum forum for available nannies. 

Molly asks the support group for help, and one recommends Nicci. The user attaches Nicci’s resume to the post, and Molly likes it. While Molly is eager to interview Nicci, Molly’s husband, Noah, isn’t so sure. However, he changes his mind during the interview. Nicci gets Molly’s daughter, Emma, to take the bottle after several of Molly’s failed attempts. Noah beams with relief, but Molly’s insecurities shine through. Noah convinces Molly to hire Nicci. 

On Nicci’s first day, Molly has a difficult time letting go. Molly’s friend, business partner Lindsay, drops by to say hello, deliver items, and meet the baby. Molly prepares Emma’s bottle, but Nicci alerts Molly before giving it to Emma. Nicci fears Molly mixed up the baby formula with powdered grout. Noah grabs the bottle and tastes it. Nicci is right. Molly gives Emma to Nicci and panics. Noah attempts to assure Molly, but Molly won’t listen. Molly spirals into sadness. Later, Nicci warns Molly that Molly will have to pay for her hairdresser even if she doesn’t go. Molly ignores her, so Nicci takes the appointment. 

Noah returns home and kisses a woman on the couch holding Emma. He assumed it was Molly. But it’s Nicci with Molly’s haircut. Noah apologizes for the kiss and runs to Molly. Later, Molly sees the haircut and worries that Nicci wants to take her life. As her mind starts to slip, can Molly make her friends and family see Nicci’s dark side?

Give this movie a chance. It starts like an old Lifetime film with a mix of Single White Female and The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). However, there is more to the story. It has low-tech crimes mixed with micro-targeting. Viewers will watch this movie and assume the ending. But the last 15 minutes will throw you for a loop and perk up your ears. Molly’s thoughts aren’t reliable because she is hearing and seeing things. Also, every character has a sketchy past. As it flashes back, you will see moments you missed or overlooked. So, don’t turn away from this movie too soon. It has a surprise in store for you.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

I saw my nightmare – Molly

Because I need the help – Noah

I really don’t like her – Nicci

Molly, you’re hurting me – Lindsay

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Blood, Sweat, and Cheer – Review

Blood, Sweat, and Cheer – Lifetime – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Cherie can’t take her mother’s interference anymore. After dance class, Cherie lets her mother, Renee, know the truth. Cherie wants to quit the dance team. Her mother explodes because the team will have college recruiters coming to the Classics Competition, and Cherie could get a full scholarship to a school of her choice. Cherie corrects Renee and says Renee will force Cherie to make the choice Renee wants. Cherie vows to live her life her way because she is 18. Renee won’t budge because Cherie leaves under her roof. Then, Cherie drops another bomb. She is moving in with her father, Johnny. Cherie believes her mother is living vicariously through her because Renee got pregnant senior year. Cherie won’t be Renee’s high school proxy.

As Cherie packs her things into Johnny’s car, Renee takes Cherie’s phone because Renee pays the bill. Renee enters her empty house and screams in Cherie’s old bedroom. Then, Cherie’s phone rings. A college scout will be at the Classics Competition. If Cherie performs, then the college will give Cherie a scholarship. Renee pretends to be Cherie on the phone and accepts the challenge. Renee enrolls in Lincoln High School as Cherie. She will pretend to be 18-year-old Cherie, join the dance team, and get the scholarship. She refuses to let her age or the law stop her from achieving glory. 

This movie is bananas, and you will love every minute of it. The plot takes Never Been Kissed and turns it on its head. Renee reeks of desperation as she uses out-of-date slang to connect with the dance team. Her side ponytail and butterfly clips date her, but she uses bangs to cover her forehead. When the dancers don’t warm up to her, she forces their hands by manufacturing accidents. Her need to fit in and be Cherie will make you cringe. But that’s a good thing. Renee is vile, awkward, and a groomer. It’s hard to tell if she is jealous of, envious of, or secretly hates Cherie. Regardless, Renee is sick and the perfect Lifetime villain.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

Why can’t I have my own life – Cherie

Don’t make the same mistake I did – Renee

What’s with the bangs and Barbie outfit  – Lana

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A Whitewater Romance – Review

A Whitewater Romance – Hallmark – 2 hours and 0 minutes

Maya proofreads the press release for Vesta Technologies when she gets a phone call from the CEO, Allegra. Allegra wants Maya to attend a 4-day corporate retreat at Whitewater Lodge. Maya agrees in disbelief and hangs up the phone. Maya’s boss, Marilyn, sees the bewildered look on Maya’s face and questions Maya. Maya updates Marilyn about the retreat, and Marilyn ponders about Allegra’s intentions. The four corporate branches are creating pitches for the new highlight reel feature. Marilyn realizes one branch member from each coast will attend, so Marilyn believes it’s a test. The most impressive branch attendee will head the new feature. Marilyn tells Maya to participate in the retreat and be on her A game while representing the east branch. 

Maya arrives at the lodge late. Allegra slaps two flags on Maya and tells her they are playing cat-and-mouse. The other three branch members are in the woods. The first person to capture the other three’s flags wins. She pushes a stunned Maya toward the forest. Maya aimlessly wonders until she bumps into Matt from the west branch. Matt compliments Maya’s jacket, then steals her flag and runs away. Matt is the first to get three, and they convene for a meet-and-greet. Luis represents the north branch, and Claire the south. Allegra wants them to have fun and use their technology to embrace nature. She divides them into teams, Luis and Claire on one and Matt and Maya on the other. However, Allegra will keep individual scores for each member. The person on top will sway her major decision. 

Maya admits she isn’t an outdoorsy person. She struggles with using a compass, pitching a tent, and fishing. However, Matt helps Maya by teaching her how to handle all situations. Maya gets to know each attendee and revels in their accomplishments. During a fireside chat, Maya receives a call from Marilyn for an update. Maya glows about Claire and Luis, while Marilyn thinks of underhanded ways to reduce their advancement. When Maya talks about Matt, Marilyn hears an audible pause. Marilyn warns Maya that Matt woos women on the retreats, so Maya should focus on the task. If Maya gets their branch the new feature, Marilyn will give Maya a coveted promotion. Maya can pay for her little sister’s tuition and move to a better apartment. Can Maya land the contract while falling in love with Matt?

Maya’s misadventures in the wild will keep you watching and laughing. She is a fish out of water and brings a can opener to replace a Swiss army knife. Maya, unlike her boss, isn’t looking for an angle. She wants to learn and get to know her co-workers. They are innovative and kind. They never treat her negatively. Marilyn’s request puts Maya in an uncomfortable situation. Maya must get the promotion without becoming a mean girl. However, Maya doesn’t see Marilyn’s manipulative nature until she acknowledges her feelings for Matt. And Matt and Maya’s final moment will make you swoon. While you know the conclusion, enjoy the journey.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

Find your outdoorsy – Marlyn

This might actually be easy – Maya

I love that jacket on you – Matt

I had my coffee hours ago – Allegra

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