#GodzillaXKong and #Origin – Review Repost – In Stores Now

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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire – Review

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire – Budget of $135 million – 1 hour and 55 minutes

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Kong fights off adversaries in Hallow Earth and tries to eat the carcass, but he has an injured tooth. Dr. Ilene teaches about the Titans to her students. The Monarch has several outposts on the Earth’s surface and one on Hallow Earth. She worries that Kong will become lonely because he is the last of his kind. On the surface, Godzilla battles other Titans attacking the Earth. As Godzilla rests in the Colosseum, a scientist pulls Dr. Ilene aside to examine the latest signals. Others want to dismiss them, but the readings are too steady. Dr. Ilene wants to speak to another expert about the signals but gets a call from Jia’s school.

Ilene’s daughter, Jia, became distracted in class and drew the same symbols on her paper and desk. Jia explains that she doesn’t feel normal. Ilene respects and validates Jia’s feelings because Jia is the only surviving member of the Iwi people from Skull Island. Ilene studies Iwi culture for help until Jia has a nightmare. Jia informs Ilene that something from Hallow Earth is calling her. Ilene looks closer at Jia’s drawings and realizes they match the signals. Ilene takes the information to Bernie for help.

Bernie runs the Titan Truth podcast and posts about his work saving the world. But trolls think he is spewing conspiracy theories and false information. Ilene asks Benie to look over the signals. He fears that she has a right to worry. The signals are a distress call from Hallow Earth and could cause Kong and Godzilla to collide again. Ilene believes there is nothing to fear as long as Kong stays on Hallow Earth and Godzilla remains on the surface. Ilene rests until she hears that Kong is coming to the surface. She will travel to the Hallow Earth Access Point to stop Kong and take him back. And Bernie insists on going and filming the events for his podcast. Dr. Ilene agrees and takes Bernie to the Access Point.

Bernie and Ilene arrive at the Access Point, and Jia walks to the observation deck. Kong rises to the shore, and Ilene spots the damaged tooth. Trapper, the Titan veterinarian, sedates Kong, removes the tooth, and implants a new one. Jia tells Kong to rest. While Kong relaxes on the shore, Godzilla collects power from nuclear plants worldwide. Ilene believes Godzilla is charging himself for round two. She wants to return Kong to Hallow Earth before Godzilla travels to the Access Point. Ilene gets Mikael and Trapper, but Jia and Bernie demand to accompany them. Ilene relents. They must bring Kong to Hallow Earth and find the source of this signal before Kong and Godzilla battle again. Dr. Ilene, Trapper, Bernie, and Jia will open the door to a world undiscovered for thousands of years and awaken a monster that can bring forth the second ice age. Can they save the world for humans and the Titans?

This movie is proof that 2024 is the year of the sequels. Godzilla x Kong doesn’t disappoint its core audience. It builds on the existing storyline while expanding its world and adding new Titans. The writers understand that viewers want action and stunning graphics. So, they deliver. As Godzilla collects power, his hue changes and brightens. This ever-growing strength radiates off the screen. Kong is massive but looks vulnerable. The CGI team allowed Kong to have emotions without looking too human. They created the other animals and Titans beautifully. You can see their inspiration while being unique. The fight scenes between Titans are astounding and equally comical. You watch the creatures antagonize each other without words. While the movie is action-packed, the overall theme is discovering where you belong. See this movie if you loved Godzilla vs. Kong. Also, watch it if you didn’t. It is a fun time for everyone.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

I don’t belong here. I don’t belong anywhere. – Jia

If you die, do it outside my vehicle – Mikael

I support you – Ilene

Recording in progress. Go away – Bernie

I know. No one likes the dentist – Trapper

I lost home – Kong

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Origin – Review

Origin – Budget of $38 million – 2 hours and 15 minutes

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Pulitzer Prize Winner Isabel Wilkerson stands in front of an image of August Landmesser. She explains his heroic act of defiance and how it came to be. Isabel leaves the stage, and her editor, Amari, congratulates her. Then, he asks her to write about the Trayvon Martin case. He has the unedited 911 calls and believes it clarifies what happened and why. Amari points at racism, but Isabel believes that is a default and easy answer.

Isabel returns home and settles into bed with her husband, Brett, but something won’t let her sleep. She sits and listens to the call. Later, Isabel talks to friends about Heather Heyer. She protested for equality, and a Neo-Nazi killed her. Isabel believes both murders are somehow linked, and race is not the common denominator. She reads Deep South and Annihilation of Caste (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). They stoke a potential answer. The linking factor for generational atrocities is a caste system. Isabel doesn’t want to explain the caste system but uncover the pillars of it. She will find links between American Slavery, the Holocaust, and the Dalit, and then create a groundbreaking book.

This movie describes the origin of Isabel’s extraordinary novel Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer). She travels to the Southern U.S., Germany, and India to uncover the truth behind hatred, how it starts, and our responsibility. As Isabel works to heal and teach, she loses her foundation. The people who encourage her the most die. She has to fight through the sadness to seek more. Isabel asks the hard questions and doesn’t accept the easy answer. She is the definition of a journalist. Isabel reminds the audience that journalist integrity can exist in a world of clickbait. It’s impossible to leave this film without learning something and thinking about the caste system and your place in it. Be prepared to cry, think, and change.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars

You don’t escape trauma by ignoring it. You escape it by confronting it – Isabel

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