#SummerCamp – Movie Review

Summer Camp – Budget Unknown – 1 hour and 36 minutes

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Nora arrived at Camp Pinnacle because her parents wanted her to make friends. The camp counselors put her into the Magnolia bunk with the Pretty Committee – Jane, Evelyn, and Judy. Nora hears Jane begging Mary to get out of the bathroom so she can use it. Mary refuses because she thinks she’s dying. Ginny barges into the bathroom and discovers Mary started her period. Ginny talks Mary through it and pulls Mary out. Later, Ginny sees Nora struggling at archery and assists. However, Nora accidently shoots Tommy’s side as his friend, Stevie D, looks on. The counselors put Nora, Mary, and Ginny in a cabin together instead of kicking them out of camp. The three remained friends.

It’s their Camp reunion, and Ginny, a bestselling author, is excited to attend but worries her friends won’t make it. Ginny calls Mary, a nurse, and Mary confirms. Mary wanted to become a doctor. But she left school to become a wife and mother. She became an E.R. nurse later, but Ginny thinks Mary settled for her husband. Nora excelled in school and obtained multiple degrees. She dove deeper into work after her husband died. Ginny refuses to accept Nora’s excuses, and they grab Nora from work. Ginny believes this reunion is what their friendship needs. It’s so much more.

Each of these women stands their ground and finds their voice. Nora delves into work because it’s safe but never ventures out for more. She links up with her crush, Stevie D, who shares his epiphany and helps her grow. Nora learns her wants in marriage and friendship. She dimmed her light for others and deserves to shine now. Ginny assumes she has all the answers, but only because she doesn’t let anyone else speak. After they grow and admit their faults, they ask one question: Am I The Butthole. They come up with a surprising yet honest answer. One unanswered ending was Mary’s marriage. Did she stay, or did she go? While the movie had the fun and raunchiness of camp, the bloopers were funnier than the film. The start and conclusion were entertaining, but the middle dragged. If this plot isn’t for you, wait for streaming.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

I don’t bully. I persuade – Ginny

I see a lot of these in the ER. They get stuck – Mary

That’s exactly what I was afraid of, actually – Nora

To friendship – Jimmy

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