#RickyStanicky – VOD Review

Ricky Stanicky – Budget Unknown – 1 hour and 55 minutes

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JT, Dean, and Wes celebrate Halloween like all kids do in 1999. They dress up, get candy, and play pranks. They want to punish a neighbor for never handing out candy. So, Wes collected dog poop to prank them. They place it on the neighbor’s porch, light it on fire, and run behind bushes to watch. However, the neighbors don’t come out, and the fire grows. They try to put it out with a jacket but can’t. They remove it and write ‘Ricky Stanicky’ on the collar. They watch from the bushes as emergency services extinguish the fire and look for Ricky. But they can’t find Ricky on a local school roster and think he isn’t local. JT, Dean, and Wes get away with arson. Now, they want to blame everything on Ricky in the future to get out of trouble.Ā 

Today, Dean and his girlfriend, Erin, prepare for JT and Susan’s baby shower. Then, Dean gets a message from Ricky. Ricky’s cancer is back, and he wants his friends for support. When JT and Susan arrive, Dean alerts them to Ricky’s unfortunate circumstances. Susan and Erin encourage Dean and JT to skip the baby shower and stand by Ricky’s side while he gets surgery. The men quickly pack up and meet Wes on the street. Wes sent Ricky’s texts from a secret phone. They got tickets for a concert and used Ricky to escape the baby shower. They turn off their phones and open their Ricky Bible on the flight. It documents all the lies so the men can keep track. They attend a concert and go to a bar for drinks. A man, Rod, slithers to the bar and tries to add his items to their bar tab, but the bartender stops him. They converse with Rod and discover he is an X-rated parody singer and actor working at a local club. Dean gets Rod’s number, but JT blows Rod off. They turn on their phones and get a slew of text messages. Susan went into labor early, and Wes missed the baby’s birth.Ā 

They arrive at the hospital, and Susan’s mom, Leona, is furious at them and Ricky. She wants to meet Ricky and question why he asked the guys to leave. When Wes decides to tell the truth, JT and Dean keep the lie going. They tell their family that Ricky played a prank on them to celebrate his 5th year of remission. Leona tells them to invite Ricky to theĀ bris because he will be in town. The men feel trapped, but Dean offers a solution. He pulls Rod’s business card from his pocket and gives Rod a call.Ā 

Rod leaves the stage, and someone warns Rod that two men are looking for him. Rod sees the goons in the audience and jumps out the window. He gets a call from Dean and accepts the job for $963 a day and a meal penalty after 6 hours. Dean agrees to Rod’s stipulations and gives Rod the Ricky bible to study. They hope Rod will come to the party, shake hands, and leave forever. But what will they do when Rod wants to become Ricky?

It’s unbelievable that these men kept the Ricky lie going for years. However, they were able to put decades into their planning. They have a phone and social media account for the Ricky persona. It’s not until the lies affect their work and relationships that the men see the issue. Erin wants to write an article about Ricky, but Dean knows it will ruin her career. Rod loves Ricky’s fake life and wants to use it to escape his problems. And JT could lose Susan if Leona can uncover the truth during the bris. Seeing the three men try to juggle their lives, the lie, Rod, and their relationships is a complicated but humorous balancing act. This movie has crass laughs but entertains. It will be a guilty pleasure for the HangoverĀ crowd but not as memorable (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

I don’t remember my person feeling that way – Dean

Can they throw up inside of there – JT

Are we done? Is it get drunk time? – Wes

You drive a hard bargain, Sir. – Rod

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